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Présentation de Jay Crest

Hi guys/gals

The name's Jay Crest. I'm an aspiring mangaka/manga artist/graphic novel artist/comicbook artist (whichever you wanna call it... I like the term "mangaka" though ^_^). I'm currently a college student majoring in Broadcast Communications.

I aim to move the hearts of readers (okay, maybe control it to my liking... just a little ). Make them cry, make them excited, , make them feel all fuzzy and warm inside, make them pity the very characters I've conjured in my mind, etc.

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Commentaires: 5
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Level: 1, Prochain niveau dans 33 xp
Niveau: noob
Experience: 17
Points de traducteur: 0



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Nouvelle sortie sur DAMIEN

En English, chapitre 2, page 3


Hey guys/gals!!!

I do not know how I should put this...

Obviously I haven't been updating DAMIEN REIGN for quite some time now. The reason being the dude that was suppose to be helping me with the backgrounds and such bailed on me all of a sudden. :/

This was actually a sort of a joined project of ours and most of the solid story ideas came from him ( mine being the character ideas and such). Although we chose to name the entire thing after me since I was the one who started it.

I guess college pressure in both parties and the fact that we live far from each other finally took its toll on use (mostly him). We're not even close (personally) since I only came to him looking for some help and I didn't know that he wasn't 100% onboard with my dream. Thus, DAMIEN REIGN will meet an abrupt end. It hurts since I was really pushing my dream, and a huge chunk of my future into this passion of mine. :'(

BUT, it's just the story. The plan of me creating a manga is still present in my heart and I will definitely work out a way to make this a reality (a SOLID one at that!). Of course, the title will stay the same and Scarlet would still be my heroine here (and yes, she's still the sole vampire here). But the plot will definitely be revamped to my own writing (*gulp, script writing was never my forte).

'Til then, please continue to support the other AWESOME artists of AMILOVA!


But why delete the comic all together?

Nouvelle sortie sur DAMIEN

En English, chapitre 1, page 22


Nouvelle sortie sur DAMIEN

En English, chapitre 1, page 22


Nouvelle sortie sur DAMIEN

En English, chapitre 2, page 3

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